Helping land and construction professionals connect and prepare for their next transition.

What if you didn’t have to be overwhelmed?

I’d love to share my 11-Minute Resource Round-Up process for helping independent contractors tackle challenges and reduce overwhelm. Please fill out this form to receive my checklist and other helpful information.



Hi! My name is Ryan Fairbanks, and I’m glad you’re here.


My mission is to help land and construction professionals connect with others in the field and provide them with skill development and proficiency to prepare them for their next transition. I love helping land and construction professionals move forward in their careers and lives, improving skills, habits, and expertise.

I’ve been an Independent Contractor for 20 years and help you build your Effective Principled Independent Contractor (EPIC) Skills so that you can move mountains by processing your thoughts, connecting with your heart, planning and doing EPIC activities to amplify your life, business, and relationships!

Photo Credit: Melinda Smith Photography

Landman Pivot Podcast

The Landman Pivot podcast, hosted by Ryan Fairbanks, provides a place for land and construction professionals to connect, learn new skills, and prepare for upcoming transitions.

You can join us wherever you listen to podcasts, or see our latest episode below.